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  • Registrant : 守谷市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/11/10
  • Published : 2023/11/10
  • Changed :2023/11/10
  • Total View : 530 persons
2024/2/22 - 2024/3/28 / 守谷市 / Other

Orange Cafe Moriya

This is a place where anyone can come together to interact with people ( with dementia ), their caregivers (, family members ), those interested in dementia, medical ・ care professionals, and others.

It is a place where anyone can gather ( with dementia ), their caregivers (, family members ), those interested in dementia, medical ・ care professionals, and others.

Since 2012, the meetings have been held throughout Japan as a place for communication where people can casually discuss their problems and communicate with each other.

Orange Cafe has been held in Moriya City in various forms, and since October 2022 it has been held with the cooperation of Untenji Temple in Honmachi.

Untenji Temple is a temple of the Pure Land Sect, founded in 1575 (Tensho 3) ( (Azuchi-Momoyama period) ) by Jyoyoyo Shonin, a priest of the priesthood of Renja.

There is an opportunity to hear a Dharma talk by the 41st abbot, Junichi Shimomura.

Address 守谷市
Date 2024/2/22 - 2024/3/28
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